Monday, October 26, 2009

Control room drywall... up and up and up...

Over the weekend I was able to pull a few lights and power outlets from my ass and put them in the control room. Now I have two, 4 outlet boxes for my gear and 4 bright can lights to shine down on my desk when I need to get serious about cables. 10 sheets of drywall went up! Shit, that went fast. I need more drywall to finish off this room but at least the structure I built is mostly finished. The rest will be a breeze.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Outlets and......

So I got some new outlets installed... and they work, that's good. I also installed some can lights in the partial ceiling. Got some drywall up and will finish off this room soon. Lovin' it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Control room ceiling...

The control room partial ceiling has been framed and the adjoining wall has been stuffed with insulation. The ceiling is at a slight angle and will house lights. I have a electrician friend coming by this week to help me get my thoughts together, then I can be on my way to drywalling and finish this room up.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Control Room Walls Down...

Thee smallest updates in the history of studio building.

I managed to clean up all my gear last night and get it tucked away from any debri coming forth during the next month. I have another session to record 4 songs for a local band, Internation Date Lines in November and need to mix Sticks and Stones as soon as I get my monitor driver in the mail. 

The control room is all studs now and the next step is to finish framing and begin insulating and drywalling the control room so I can leave my gear setup on a more regular basis. Here's a photo.

Monday, October 12, 2009

First session...

I had my first session with a great local band Sticks and Stones. Still in construction phase but sounding good already. If they ever put something up online somewhere I will post a link. Here's a few photos.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Window in wall...

Last night (with the help of my buddy Lee) we got the window up in the wall. It's solid and the rest of this wall is ready to start finishing. Here are some photos:


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Window DONE!

Framing this window took a lot longer than I thought but here's a photo of it below. It's 11 1/4" wide with a 6 inch air gap between the panes. I will install it in the wall tonight and move on.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Window

Not the movie.

I starting framing the control/live room window yesterday. I am building my own frame using two Interpane 46"x20" windows I picked up. It's gonna be a 4 leaf system. I hope it works. The glass has a 6" gap. Each window sits inside a 2"x2" frame. They sit on carpet and this frame will be heavily caulked and installed in the wall once it's finished. Check out the photos so far...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Beginning of the Build

Now that I managed to get the introduction out of the way, let's move on to the build. Here's a few shots of the suite from the first day we layed eyes on it:

From the front door:

From the back of big room, looking at the front door:

What will become the control room:

A view into what will become the live room:

Alright, so once we got the lease signed and got the keys, I immediately starting tearing shit down. First thing was to tear down the inner leaf of this already constructed wall in the live room:

My next step was to double layer the whole outside wall. This wall spands across the live and control room and will be used as the green screen. Perfect!

Began sealing up the inner wall and contructing a new frame/wall around the pillar.

A week or so went by... I found this door in the empty wing next to ours. Solid core 36"x80" door. No door handle holes. It turns out (thanks to our great upstairs photographer neighbor) that there is a hole room on the North end full of doors free for the taking. I'll be needing another one soon enough. Either way, here is the framing construction of the door.

Many many cans of Hamm's will be involved during this process:

That's all I have to show you for now. I have begun making way for my window and found some good glass for cheap on craiglist. Gotta go pick it up! Also started framing another wall last night. Hopefully I'll be able to get around to throwing up a bunch more drywall this weekend and have updates next week sometime.

Sounds Ok! Studio Build

You are about to witness my first time DIY budget studio build in an old historic building in Milwaukee. We'll see just how low budget I can keep this project. The purpose of this build is to record bands and make sweet recordings. I have finally figured out what I really enjoy doing and am doing my best to pursue this. Here's a picture of the building. I am on the South side 3rd floor. Follow along as I make a million mistakes.

Up next: The Beginning of the Build...